Hi, and welcome! I'm Emily and I love travelling, although my ME/CFS makes it a little complicated. This isn't helped by the lack of online resources detailing the accessibility of travel destinations, not just for my wheelchair but for the rather annoying brainfog and sensory overload which accompany me on most days. For me, planning a trip is never as simple as choosing a destination and going: there is much ado about travelling!

For more information about why travelling with ME can be difficult see here.

Through September to May I am most likely to be found buried under a pile of books as I work towards my degree in English Literature. I have been writing a series of articles for the ME Association's quarterly magazine, ME Essential, on the experience of being at university with ME. 

Get in contact at: muchadoabouttravelling@outlook.com
Follow the blog: @muchadotravels
Follow me: @byemilybailey

*I currently have moderate ME, meaning I use a wheelchair pushed by someone else, and a walking stick. Please take into account your own physical capabilities when planning a trip, if you need to start small then start small. Look into what you can see nearby for when you're ready. Although, when at my best, I may be able to post every 1-2 weeks, that does not mean I am well enough to travel that frequently! Many of my posts come from a backlog of trips taken over the past few years.

Photos by J. Bailey and G. Bailey